Consulting Approach
Due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there have been many changes with Individual and Group Benefit programs. In fact, never before has this industry seen so much change in such a short period. Add COVID-19 to the mix, and there are additional costs and hurdles for everyone.
In such uncertain times, how do you decide who your company should do business with and what products you should be selling?
In the world of individual and group benefits, one often hears about the two different approaches to the business; broker and consultant. Which approach is better for your company? Dylan consulting employs a hybrid system that combines the best of what consultants and brokers provide clients. The Consulting Broker Approach™ is a benefits philosophy, rather than a process.
This Strategic Planning Method™ is our five-stage process that allows us to discover our clients’ needs and goals, design creative plans and solutions, coordinate planning resources, secure financial instruments and services, and manage performance results for our clients.
Dylan Consulting’s “Strategic Planning Method”

Preliminary Interview
- In this phase, we get to know you and what your visions, values, and goals are, making them our own for the life of your project. We discover the hazards, opportunities, and strengths of your unique position, giving you an overview of what our solutions can achieve.
- Our in-depth Discovery Interview, Company Financial Philosophy, and Strategic Strategy Blueprint expand upon the Preliminary Interview to focus on key visions, values, and goals to establish client-driven priorities
- We gather data, isolate and quantify potential problems, and explore solutions. The combined efforts of the experienced team at Strategic Financial and a diverse range of advisory specialists and product resources ensure that a highly personalized and innovative solution is reached in a timely manner.
- We coordinate with your potential legal and financial advisors as directed to complete documentation of the plan and define the administration procedures for the next phase. We make sure the plan is executed properly
Moving into the Management Phase, we secure any necessary service agreements to better define our mutual responsibilities. We monitor ongoing results and respond to unforeseen needs, sitting on your side of the table for the long term.
See the Dylan Difference
Dylan Consulting will bring its cutting-edge entrepreneurship to your next case. We have the Vision, Values, and Goals to meet and exceed your expectations.